Saturday, September 13, 2008

To the mosquito who decided to attack me as I slept:

I hope that all the blood you sucked out of me caused your tiny stomach to explode. I know that you went on a feeding frenzy and left nearly a dozen bites all over my feet. I imagine that you did all of this on your own, because I've never seen mosquitoes work in conjunction with one another. At the very least, I hope your greediness left you with the discomfort of an overly full belly.

Sincerely yours,


Lauren Elise said...

lol. blasted mosquitoes and their gluttony. good riddance i say!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing me this lovely letter, KT. Just so you know, I did get rather full, but I'm better now. I might even come back later for more.

Yours truly,
The Mosquito

Amy Trianne said...

HHAHAHAHAHA @ the mosquito comment.

kt said...

Ew. Clever, but ew.

Anonymous said...


you're funny. this is why we're friends.