Thursday, April 28, 2011

veggies: week 12

I think I may have missed posting about the veg last week. Maybe not. My brain's been kind of forgetful lately.

- snow peas
- sad-looking lettuce (It's cool. I'll still eat it.)
- carrots
- BEETS! :)
- leeks
- green garlic
- turnips
- easter egg radishes

Tonight, as I prep for tomorrow's Royal Wedding Party, Russell J is taking over dinner & making Ranch Style Chicken à la The Pioneer Woman. Come hang out with me tomorrow & wear your tiara?

1 comment:

Trisha said...

I'm not a natural at running by any means, I just love it. I'd say the biggest thing for a newbie runner is consistency. There is a program called Couch to 5k (C25k) that is great & a lot of people do to get into the running thing:

If you start running and have any questions, let me know!! :)